Training Programs In Irungattukkottai Industrial Belt
Training Programs in Irungattukkottai industrial belt
NIQR Chennai Branch has reached an agreement with SIMA to conduct training programs for shop level associates and managers in the premises of SIMA. NIQR has listed out various programs it can conduct and SIMA has chosen the programs as per the requirements of member organisations. It will be one training program per month.
The first training program on FMEA was organised on 26th Aug 2015. The informative brochure has created a good interest and for the first program, the no. of participants has to be restricted to 25.
Mr. S Rajasekaran, Chairman NIQR Chennai Branch, Dr. V Swaminathan, NIQR national Vice President, Mr. Karunakaran, President SIMA and Mr. Thiyagarajan, Secretary SIMA graced the occasion and explained to the participants the benefits the industrial belt will get by this arrangement and gave some interesting examples to show the importance of FMEA in Design and Process.
Mr. C V Gowri Sankar, Secretary NIQR Chennai Branch was the faculty and the session was very lively with lot of interaction. The feedback of the participants was excellent and they wanted these training programs to continue for the benefit of their colleagues.