4F Industry 4.0 Program No 36 at CIPET on 30th Jan 18

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INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program: No. 36

The 36th Program in the series was conducted at Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) on 30th January 2018. There were 120 students from 3rd & 4th year.

Dr. Palanivel, Principal of the college presided over the function and Mr. A. G. S. Neelagaantan, in charge-Placement Cell, introduced the speaker, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar and briefed the students about the importance of the topic.

The program was from 10.00 to 1.00PM. Two minutes silence was observed at 11.00AM for Martyrs’ Day. The faculty briefed the students about NIQR and its activities and its mission 20K. The students were very happy and participative when the potential of India Today and its challenges and opportunities were presented by the faculty. The students were very much enthusiastic to learn about additional skills required for career development.

After the program, Mr. K. Palanivel Raja, Principal Director & Head expressed his happiness and desire to organize a Conference with NIQR soon.