15th December 2018,

16th November 2018,

Lecture meeting on Institutional Perspectives
On 29th October 2018, Col K S Chakravarthi (Retd.), Management Consultant delivered a lecture on “Institutional perspectives of Professional Institutions in changing times; IETE – a case study” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Prof. C. Y. Krishnamurthy Memorial Lecture Meeting
NIQR Chennai Branch organises Annual Lecture Meeting in memory of Prof. C. Y. Krishnamurthy. This year it was organised on 15th December 2018 at Hotel Radha Regent Chennai. Mr. Gopi Koteeswaran, CEO, LatentView Analytics was the Guest Speaker.
Shri LSN Guptha Memorial Lecture
NIQR Chennai Branch organises Annual Lecture Meeting in memory of Shri L S N Guptha. This year it was organised on Friday, the 16 November 2018 at Hotel Radha Regent Chennai. Dr. Janani, Director, Rexpride Training & Development was the Guest Speaker. The topic was “Employee Engagement & Retention”.
26th March 2018,

08th March 2018,

Monthly Evening Lecture Programmes
On 26th March 2018, Mr. T. M. Venkatesan, Mentor, and Trainer for (www.focus5.in) delivered a lecture on “Kaizen 70 years Vs Thirukkural 1700 years” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Monthly Evening Lecture Programs
On 8th March 2018, Mr. A. Adithya & Mr. S. Sayam, B.Tech students of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram delivered a lecture on “Introduction to Crypto Currencies” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar welcomed the gathering and introduced the speakers focusing on their ambitions.
Lecture Meeting by Mr. NSN Pillai
On 21st February 2018, Mr. N. Sankara Narayana Pillai, Former Head -Information Security and Risk Management, Ashok Leyland Ltd. delivered a lecture on “Information Security” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker.