AGM Chennai

Mr. K. Manikandan handing over the key to the new Chairman Mr. R. Sethuraman Previous
Mr. K. Manikandan handing over the key to the new Chairman Mr. R. Sethuraman Previous
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NIQR Chennai Branch AGM

The 30th Annual General Body Meeting of NIQR, Chennai Branch was held at 6.45 PM on Tuesday, the 25th September 2018 at Hotel Radha Regent, Chennai. 104 members and guests attended the AGM this year. The proceedings started with the invocation song.

Mr. K. Manikandan, Chennai Branch Chairman welcomed the members. After the confirmation of the minutes of the 29th AGM held on 9th September 2017, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, Chennai Branch Secretary presented the annual report for 2017-2018. Mr. S. Sundar, Chennai Branch Treasurer presented the audited statement of accounts for the period 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2018.

The new set of Executive Committee Members and Office Bearers was selected and approved by the members. The new Chairman Mr. R. Sethuraman took over NIQR Quality Key from the outgoing Chairman Mr. K. Manikandan and addressed the Members.

Mr. P.T. Bharaniperumal, Secretary proposed the vote of thanks.

NIQR Chennai Branch List of ECMs for 2018-2020



Mr. R. Sethuraman


Mr. S. Murugan

Vice Chairman

Mr. R. Nanda Kumar

Vice Chairman

Mr. P.T. Bharani Perumal


Mr. S. J. Ali Asger 

Joint Secretary

Mr. S Ganapathiappan



Mr. S. S. Balasubramanian    

EC Member

Mr. K. Baranitharan

EC Member

Maj. V. V. Chandrasekharan

EC Member

Mr. T. M. Gopala Pillai         

EC Member

Mr. N. Jagannadha Rao         

EC Member

Mr. P. Kothandaraman

EC Member

Mr. S. Kumar

EC Member

Mr. S. Mohankumar 

EC Member

Mr. R Muthuraman

EC Member

Dr. P. Ramesh

EC Member

Mr. R. Sriram

EC Member

Mr. C. Sundaravadivelu       

EC Member

Prof. C Uthayakumar

EC Member

Mr. V. K. Venkatramani

EC Member

Mr. K. Manikandan

Ex Officio

Col K. S. Chakravarthi (Retd)

Co-opted Members

Mr. VSV. Chezhiyan

Co-opted Members

Ms. K. Geetha

Co-opted Members

Mr. M. Gurunathan

Co-opted Members

Mr. P. M. Karthick

Co-opted Members

Mr. V. Kumar

Co-opted Members

Mr. S. Mahendran

Co-opted Members

Mr. S. Manikandan

Co-opted Members

Mr. R. Manohar 

Co-opted Members

Mr. S. Raja 

Co-opted Members

Mr. T. S. Rangarajan

Co-opted Members

Mr. D. Rathinasabapathy

Co-opted Members