INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program: No. 48 at Hindustan University
The 48th program in the series was conducted at Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science Padur, Chennai on 27th Feb 2020. Department of Mechanical Engineering organised the program. There were 200 students from all departments.
Dr. G. Ravikumar Solomon, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering welcomed the gathering and spoke about the benefits of NIQR Student Chapter and Industry 4.0.
Dr. M. Kannan, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering introduced the faculty, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, NIQR and asked the students to make use of the session which is very important for their career.
The faculty briefed about evolution of Industry 4.0 and how much it will benefit the students in their career building if they acquire additional knowledge in AI, IOT, Cloud, Data Analytics and 3D printing in today’s manufacturing sector
Dr. M. Kannan proposed the Vote of thanks.