Lecture Meeting held on
29th June 2015 by Dr. S R Ramanan
The Evening Lecture for the month of June was organised on 29th June 2015 at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Kodambakkam.
Dr. S R Ramanan, Director (Sc. ‘E’) Area Cyclone Warning Centre
Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai was the speaker and the topic was “Cyclone Forecasting” (The Genesis, Intensification, Track and crossing of the cyclone). Mr. S. Rajasekaran, NIQR Chennai Brach Chairman presided over the session and Mr. C. Sundaravadivelu, NIQR Chennai Branch Treasurer introduced the speaker.
Dr. Ramanan started off with a broad outline of the present scenario of meteorology in different regions of the world and emphasised that India is not far behind other countries in meteorological predictions. He gave a few examples to illustrate how Meteorology serves as a platform for international cooperation.
With interesting pictures, he explained the effects of different types of cyclones and the tracking methodology. He dwelt at length about land subsidence and storm surge. The Q & A session was informative and he signed off with the details about the El Nino effect.