Monthly Evening Lecture Programs
June 2017
On 30th June 2017, Mr. P. M. Karthick, Big Data Analyst, CTS delivered a lecture on “Data Engineering” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar welcomed the record gathering and introduced the speaker.
Kim Eric Drexler, American Molecular Nanotechnology Engineer: the essence of science is inquiry and the essence of engineering is design.
Quoting the above, Mr. Karthick analysed the flow of information in scientific inquiry & engineering design. Data science is the study of where information comes from, what it represents and how it can be turned into a valuable resource in the creation of business and IT strategies.
He explained the evolution of the term big data as below.
The speaker then explained the requirements of data science; due to its interdisciplinary nature, it requires an intersection of abilities – math and statistics knowledge, hacking skills and substantive expertise in a field of science.
He gave an idea of the most-in-demand skill sets of data scientist; SQL, Hadoop, Python, R etc. He also listed the ever-changing tools and training needs in the last ten years and the scope of a data scientist in different market segments across India.
Mr. A. Pradeep, NIQR Chennai Branch ECM, summed up the proceedings and praised the speaker for having taken pains to make the highly complex subject very simple to grasp in one hour.
Mr. K. Manikandan honoured the speaker with a shawl and a memento.
Mr. Karthick released the May-Jun Newsletter of Chennai Branch.
Dr. P. Ramesh Vice Chairman NIQR Chennai Branch complimented the printer M/S Printfaast for their part in releasing our Newsletters in time for the last three years and honoured Mr. Muthukumar with a shawl and a memento and designer Mr. Jagan with a memento.
Mr. K Sridharan Balaji, NIQR National Secretary welcomed the new member Mr. V. Kumar of Brakes India and presented the Life Membership Certificate.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar proposed a vote of thanks.