February 2018
On 10th January 2018, Mr. M. Prasanna, B-Tech Information Technology, Panimalar Engineering College delivered a lecture on “Ethical Hacking” at NIQR Conference Hall.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker with the help of a presentation showcasing the speaker’s rare skills on drawing and his interest in music. The audience appreciated the efforts.
Mr. Prasanna started the session with a two-liner “The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards”; and at the end of the session, the audience was fully convinced with the statement. Slowly and steadily, he built the tempo; what is a system, network, weakness, access and of course hacking. The process flow of hacking explained in detail by the speaker was fantastic and simple to understand; the real-time hacking for password cracking done at the end was well appreciated by the audience; the audience left murmuring – “easy to understand ‘change the password often’, but is it practical”.
Mr. V. Raghavan, Vice Chairman, NIQR Chennai Branch summed up the proceedings and lauded the process flow of hacking described by the speaker. He was happy that the talent hunt of youth for knowledge sharing initiated recently by NIQR is yielding good results.
Mr. S. Rajasekaran, National Vice President, NIQR honored the speaker with a shawl, Mr. Bharani Perumal, ECM, NIQR Chennai Branch honored the speaker with a memento and Mr. R. Abilash Chakaravarthy, Special Director Projects, Infant Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Chennai honored the speaker with a laminated memento.
Mr. Gowri Sankar thanked the participants.