Meeting With NIQR Bangalore Branch Executive Committee
A team from Chennai, led by Mr. P. K. Aggarwal, National President NIQR, along with Mr. S. Rajasekaran, National Vice President and Mr. G. Rangarajan, Past National Secretary, visited Bangalore on 23rd February 2018 to meet the executive committee members of NIQR Bangalore branch. Mr. Sarathy, Chairman of the branch, along with other senior members of the EC, explained about major initiatives undertaken by the branch. Based on recommendations from the National President, five senior members from manufacturing industry – M/s Ashok Leyland Hosur, Volvo, Mahindra Electric & IFB Automotives Bangalore, were inducted into the Executive Committee as co-opted members.
Mr. Rajasekaran made a detailed presentation about the theme and various activities being planned for the forthcoming National Convention on 10th & 11th August 2018 at Chennai. Bangalore team has shown enthusiasm to participate and support various activities in a big way. Mr. G. Rangarajan made a presentation to reiterate the roles & responsibilities of the branches towards membership, promoting quality activities through evening lectures, seminars etc. He also explained about the new bye laws of NIQR and also the expectations w.r.t. improved financial and accounting activities.