NIQR Trivandrum Branch AGM
The 30th Annual General Body meeting of NIQR Trivandrum Branch was held on 4th October 2018 at Hotel South Park, Trivandrum.
An interesting and informative lecture on ‘Quality in Health: the Cellular Approach’ by INMA 2018 National Health Care Award Winner, Mr. Saji K. Sam, a senior Scientist/Engineer of ISRO Inertial Systems Unit wedded to exploring well being of human health through his own successful experiments, preceded the AGM.
Sri. C. A. Ignatious, Chairman welcomed the members present. This was followed by reading of minutes of AGM 2017 and the adoption of the same by AGM.
Annual report for the year 2017-2018 was presented by the Secretary. The report was passed by members as proposed by Dr. Thampy Thomas and seconded by Sri. Nallaperumal.
Treasurer presented the audited accounts for the year 2017-2018. He mentioned that in the year there was expenditure over income. This was mainly due to extra expenditure incurred in the conduct of a course on NDT wherein students were admitted on concession. It was approved by the AGM as proposed by Sri. L. Muthu and seconded by Sri. V. Ramachandran.
Student chapter activities at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering and Technology Kanchirapalli were presented by Sri. Sherin. They organized a competition on standards and its use. The best team came to Trivandrum and presented on Smart City & the related standards. He mentioned that student chapter has future plans for the conduct of Quiz programme. Shri. C. Athi Pagavan informed the AGM that four teams of students from ACE College had participated in the Quiz programme conducted by NIQR National Body at Chennai as a part of National Convention and got certificates.
Membership cards were released by Chairman Shri C. A. Ignatious and they were distributed to a few members as a token of the start of distribution. The efforts of Sri. Vijin Jenius in the preparation of the cards were appreciated.
The new executive committee for the next two years 2018-2020 was announced in the AGM with Sri. C. Athi Pagavan, GD, RQA, IISU ,ISRO as Chairman and Sri. P. Muthuganapathy as Secretary. The outgoing Chairman welcomed the new committee. The new committee took over and Sri. C. Athi Pagavan thanked the members and announced that in the coming years more programmes will be orgnaised with a good scope for increasing the income of the branch. He also requested Student chapters of all the colleges, especially ACE college of Engineering to organize more programmes.
M/s Dhan and Co was re-appointed as auditor for the next year. AGM appreciated their valuable services to the branch.
The AGM concluded with vote of thanks by Shri. K. R. Mohan Ananthanarayanan, outgoing Secretary. The new Secretary invited members for dinner as a conclusion of the AGM. A total of 57 members attended the AGM.
NIQR Trivandrum Branch List of ECMs for 2018-2020
Name | Status |
Mr. Athi Pagavan C | Chairman |
Mr. Mohan Ananthanarayanan K. R | Vice Chairman |
Dr. Aniyan | Vice Chairman |
Mr. Muthuganapathy P | Secretary |
Mr. Sai Ganesan H | Treasurer |
Mr. Ignatious C. A | EC member |
Mr. Mathew R. C | EC member |
Mr. Ramachandran V | EC member |
Mr. Vijin Jenius S | EC member |
Dr. Ramesh Narayanan P | EC member |
Mr. Abraham P. K | EC member |
Mr. Dhanesh S | EC member |
Dr. Thampy Thomas | EC member |
Mr. Celin Maria Simon | EC member |
Mr. Nedumaran G | EC member |
Mr. Suresh Kumar P. T | EC member |
Mr. Murali Sankar A. R | EC member |
Mr. Dhanalakshmi P.P | EC member |
Mr. Shameer. S | EC member |