Students Meet At Global College Of Engineering, Amritsar
NIQR Delhi NCR Branch organised a students’ meet at Global College of Engineering, Amritsar in September 2016. Mr. Vipin Garg, Vice Chairman NIQR Delhi NCR Branch presided over the function. 300 students from Global College of Engineering, Amritsar & Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar participated in the meet held at the campus of Global Engineering College.
Mr. Ranjan Vasishtha, Joint Secretary NIQR Delhi NCR Branch introduced NIQR amongst the students and explained the benefits they will get through NIQR for their career development by narrowing the Industry – Academia gap.
Mr. Vipin Garg in his Keynote address emphasized that a support system is needed to ensure a focused involvement of both academia and industry. He wanted the Institutions to develop systems and procedures to ensure that industry expectations are met without any compromise on academic aspirations. Initially, academia should conceive and take up short term, small budget projects which would instill confidence in industry and encourage it to start development projects.
He urged the Industry also to give a fresh look to its R&D efforts. This process must be guided by a complete shift from trading set up to a technologically – driven entrepreneurial set up. Academia should tilt the focus of basic research to applicative research. Research initiatives involving industry people with flexible formats could serve as the first step in this direction.
Mr. Parveen Yadav proposed a vote of thanks.