1 Audience
2 Dr.Vinod Surana
3 Mr. B. Kannan
4 Mr Anand Sundaresan
5 Mr. B.C Datta
6 Q&A
7 Q&A
8 Honoring of Mr. B. Kannan
9 Honoring of Mr Anand Sundaresan
10 Honoring of Mr. B.C Datta
11 Honoring of Dr. Vinod Surana
12 All the speakers
Transforming Indian Business – Challenges & Opportunities
The first session of the Convention started with Dr. Vinod Surana, International Lawyer, CEO and Managing Partner Surana and Surana International Attorneys, Chennai chairing the first session on the topic “Transforming Indian Business – Challenges & Opportunities”.
Mr. B. Kannan, Managing Director, L&T Shipbuilding Limited
Mr. Anand Sundaresan, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Schwing Stetter (India) Pvt. Limited and
Mr. B. C. Datta, Vice President, Hyundai Motor India were the speakers.
Dr. P. Ramesh, Vice Chairman, NIQR Chennai Branch coordinated the session.