Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 23

23 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No 23 in IIIT Trichy
The 23rd Program in the series was conducted in Indian Institute of Information Technology, Srirangam on 4th August 2017. There were 150 students and staff of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Engineering departments.
Dr. S. Selvakumar, Dean of the IIIT welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar. He asked the students to take the session seriously and learn from the program what is required for their career development.
The faculty explained the activities of NIQR and the benefits to students. He elaborated on the skill requirements of industries in particular and all service sectors in general and share with the enthusiastic gathering the additional skills to be acquired to face the 4th Industrial revolution successfully.
The feedback was excellent and a few students thanked the faculty for exposing them to the needs of the future.