Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 33

33 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No 33 in Dr MGR
The 33rd Program in the series was conducted at Dr. M. G. R. Educational & Research Institute University, School of Engineering, Chennai on 20th October 2017. There were 320 students of different departments of the college.
Dr. Ganesan, HOD of Mechanical Department welcomed the gathering and wanted the students to make use of the lecture to know about the future in manufacturing sector.
Dr. Rajan, AP, Mechanical introduced the speaker Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, Secretary, NIQR Chennai Branch and thanked NIQR for its mission of taking the Industry 4.0 to the student community.
The faculty started the session explaining NIQR and its activities and its mission of sensitising 20000 minds this year about Industry 4.0. The program was from 1.15PM to 4.00PM. He explained the industrial and economical Scenario of India and the 4th Industrial revolution. Some of the students and staff members appreciated the contents of the awareness program. They expressed their happiness in learning an important topic which is very vital for India. Elaborating on the need of the day, he advised the students to be in the forefront to take up the challenges in embracing Industry 4.0 instead of being mere followers of technological changes as in the past.