Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 38

38 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No. 38 at Easwari on 19th Feb 18
The 38th program in the series was conducted at Easwari engineering College, Chennai on 19th February 2018. There were 335 students from 3rd & 4th year.
Dr. Antony, HOD – Mech presided over the function and Mr. Jeramiah, Asst Prof introduced the speaker, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, Secretary, NIQR Chennai Branch and advised the students to be interactive and learn a new topic not in the syllabus.
The program was from 10.00 to 12.00 noon. The faculty briefed the students about NIQR and its activities and its mission 20K. The students showed keen interest in the challenges and opportunities facing the country today. They were also very interactive and showed keen interest to learn about additional skills required for career development. Some of the staff members wanted NIQR to organise similar programs regularly to make the students industry ready.