Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 42

42 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No. 42 at CIPET
NIQR Chennai Branch has organised its 42nd Awareness Program in Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Guindy on 5th Oct 2018.
NIQR had conducted Industry 4.0 Awareness Program at CIPET in January 2018; this program was organised by final year students as part of their two day symposium organised by students. It was conducted as a two hours awareness program for 200 students from different colleges who participated in the symposium.
Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, NIQR conducted the program from 11.00AM to 1.00PM covering the industrial and economical Scenario of India and explained the 4th Industrial revolution. The students were very much receptive and interacted well with the faculty. The Principal of the college thanked NIQR for organising an awareness program in tune with the developments in industries.