Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 43

43 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No. 43 Danfoss Industries Nov 2018
NIQR Chennai Branch has organised its 43rd Awareness Program in Danfoss Industries Pvt Ltd, Oragadam on 8th November 2018.
NIQR had organised a two day in-house training program for 40 members of Management Staff of Danfoss Industries Pvt Ltd on 8th & 9th of November 2018. As part of the training program, Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 was included at the request of the Company.
Dr. V. M. Gunasekaran, National Council Member, NIQR was the faculty. He explained the concept of Smart Manufacturing and how a progressive company has to adapt itself to the fast changing industrial scenario. He explained the benefits of data analytics in the age of digital quality which was well appreciated by the participants.