Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 53

53 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No. 53 26TH APRIL 22 arjun college CBE
The 53rdprogram in the series was conducted at Arjun College of Technology, Coimbatore on 26th April, 2022. Department of Mechatronics, Electronics and Communications Engineering organised the program. There were 200 students and staff.
Dr. C.Uthayakumar, Dean of the College & Executive Committee Member of NIQR, Chennai Branch coordinated the program. In his welcome address, he detailed the activities of NIQR which focus on development of students and making them industry-ready.
Dr. D. Kumar Principal of the College presided over the program; in his presidential address, he briefly explained the concept of Industry 4.0 and asked the students to be attentive in the two hour session and get benefited. He lauded NIQR for taking up a futuristic subject and organising lectures in colleges;
Mr.P.Balaji, Assistant Professor, Mechatronics introduced the faculty, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, NIQR.
The speaker explained the four industrial revolutions and the use of AI, IOT, Cloud, Data Analytics and 3D printing in today’s manufacturing sector. He also showed their applications in all walks of life though many videos and emphasised that today’s engineers should skill themselves in the above for a bright career.

The students were also very interactive and appreciative of the videos shown to explain the concepts. They showed keen interest about additional skills required for career development.
Dr. C. Uthayakumar in his concluding remarks thanked NIQR for the support given to institutions and summed up the program and appreciated the intent with which the videos were used and explained; He was sure the speaker had driven a hole in the minds of the participants and soon it will reflect in their learning new skills.
Dr.D.Kumar Principal felicitated the speaker and Mr.P.Balaji, Assistant Professor proposed the vote of thanks.