Awareness Program on Industry 4.0 - No : 54

54 INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program No. 54 27TH APRIL 22 sankara college CBE
The 54thprogram in the series was conducted at Sankara Polytechnic College,Coimbatore on 27th April, 2022. Students Services Cell of the college organised the program. There were 210 students and staff.
Prof S.Ganesh, Principal of the College inaugurated the program; in his presidential address, he asked the students to be very attentive for the next two hours to understand a new topic, Industry 4.0 and thanked NIQR for taking up a futuristic subject and organising lectures in colleges;
A volunteer from the Students Services Cell introduced the faculty, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, NIQR.
The faculty briefed the students about NIQR and its activities and its Awareness program. The students showed keen interest in the challenges and opportunities facing the country today. They were also very interactive and appreciative of the videos shown to explain the concepts. They showed keen interest about additional skills required for career development like use of AI, IOT, Cloud, Data Analytics and 3D printing in today’s manufacturing sector.
The students were also very interactive and appreciative of the videos shown to explain the concepts. They showed keen interest about additional skills required for career development.
Ms. Chithra Ramesh, HOD of EEE department, who coordinated the program, thanked NIQR for the support given to in her concluding remarks Prof S.Ganesh, Principal felicitated the speaker and proposed the vote of thanks.