INDUSTRY 4.0 & its adoption in Different Sectors - No 55

55 INDUSTRY 4.0 & its adoption in Different Sectors No. 55 at Alpha College of Engineering
The 55th programme in the series was conducted at Alpha College of Engineering, Thirumazhisai, Chennai on November 15, 2022. There were 220 students in their first year from all branches and staff combined.
Dr.B Sowmya, Principal, Alpha College of Engineering inaugurated the program and felicitated the speaker.
Mr. V. Sasikumar, Asst.Professor, Dept. of English welcomed the participants and faculty and briefly explained the concept of Industry 4.0 and asked the students to be attentive and interactive in the two hour session and get benefited. He thanked NIQR for taking up a futuristic subject and organising lectures in colleges.
Rani, Asso.Professor Dept.of Physics introduced
the faculty,Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, NIQR. Mr. V. Kumar, ECM of NIQR Chennai Branch was a
special invitee.

The speaker explained what is meant by the “Industrial Revolution” and “the Evolution of Industry 4.0.” He used the curtain-raiser video prepared by SRM University students to keep the participants motivated.
Topics covered included:
Key Technologies of Industry 4.0
Their application
Education 4.0
Quality 4.0
Agriculture 4.0
Construction 4.0
Maintenance 4.0
Healthcare 4.0
Sports 4.0
Many videos were used by the faculty to explain the application of key technologies in various sectors and how they have contributed to their phenomenal growth.
The lecture ended with motivating the students and drawing attention to India’s top positions in many fields today, highlighted by recent successes in space technology. The students were also very interactive and appreciative of the videos shown to explain the concepts.
Ms. R. Kavitha, Asst. Professor, Dept of mechanical engineering, who coordinated the program, thanked NIQR for the support givenin her concluding remarks and proposed the vote of thanks.