INDUSTRY 4.0 & its adoption in Different Sectors - No 58

58 INDUSTRY 4.0 & it’s Spread in Different Sectors No. 58 at Exela Technologies
Lecture Program on “Industry 4.0 and its Spread in Various Sectors” was conducted 1st December 2023 by Mr. C V Gowri Sankar, National Council Member, NIQR at Exela Technologies at Little Mount Chennai.
Exela Technologies with headquarters in Texasis a global leader in business process automation (BPA). This lecture was part of ‘World Quality Month Celebrations’.
100+ Engineers of various departments of the organisation attended the program; the program was well received and the Q and A session was very elaborate and interesting.
The speaker explained what is meant by the “Industrial Revolution” and “the Evolution of Industry 4.0.”
Topics covered included:
Key Technologies of Industry 4.0
Their application
Education 4.0
Quality 4.0
Agriculture 4.0
Construction 4.0
Maintenance 4.0
Healthcare 4.0
Sports 4.0
The program was coordinated by Mr. Venkat, General Manager of Exela Technologies.
With this 58th program of NIQR, totally 14247 minds have been sensitized so far on Industry 4.0.