INDUSTRY 4.0 & its adoption in Different Sectors - No 62

62 INDUSTRY 4.0 & it’s Spread in Different Sectors No. 62 at SAF Vallam
Lecture Program on “Industry 4.0 and its Spread in Various Sectors” was conducted on 7th March 2024 by Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Council Member, NIQR at Super Auto Forge Private Limited, Vallam, Chennai, a leading manufacturer of Cold & Warm forged components in India.
40 middle and senior level managers of various departments of the organisation attended the program; the program was well received and the interaction was excellent.
Mr. Gowri Sankar started with the evolution of “Industrial Revolution” from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 and gave a brief about the Key Technologies.

Topics covered included:
Key Technologies of Industry 4.0
Their application
Education 4.0
Quality 4.0
Agriculture 4.0
Construction 4.0
Maintenance 4.0
Healthcare 4.0
Sports 4.0
In each sector, he explained the application of Key technologies especially in Indian condition.
The research done about penetration of Industry 4.0 in various fields was appreciated in the feedback at the end.
The program was coordinated by Mr. Ambikapathy, HR Head of Super Auto Forge, Vallam plant.
With this 62ndprogram of NIQR, totally 14437 minds have been sensitized so far on Industry 4.0.