- Organise Quality Congress, conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, lectures and short duration training programs on quality and reliability.
- Evolve and organize comprehensive training programmes tailor made to suit the needs of different types of industries disciplines and levels.
- Provide modern training aids, audio visuals such as documentaries / films.
- Bring overseas experts to share the expertise and experiences.
- Assist organizations in promoting quality circles and cross functional teams for achieving better quality and reliability.
- Provide opportunities for top management and others to study quality management practices abroad and help them to adapt these practices in Indian conditions.
- Conduct hand-holding programs for improvement of MSMEs through Cluster Approach.
- Provide consultancy services to large and medium-scale industries to upgrade their quality related skills leading to Total Quality Management (TQM).
- Organize training programmes and seminars on different topics related to quality, at different branches to spread awareness as well as to provide in depth knowledge.
- Organize training programmes and seminars on different topics related to quality, at different branches to spread awareness as well as to provide in depth knowledge.
- NIQR also organize In House training programmes on a limited scale and help organisations in setting quality systems and implementation of TQM.
- For Individual and Organizational Subscribed Members of NIQR
- Organise and conduct monthly lecture meetings for subscribed Members of NIQR.
- Organise and conduct TWO Memorial Lectures in memory of Prof. C.Y.Krishna Murti and Shri L.S.N.Guptha – once a year.
- Organise and conduct ONE Endowment Lecture in the name of Dr.Kayasuzuki – on Reliability Engineering once a year.