Awards Function
The NIQR Award Function was held on 11th August 2018 at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. Once in two years, NIQR National Convention is organised by any one of the branches and during that time, NIQR Awards are presented.
The Award Function started with Mr. P. K. Aggarwal, National President – NIQR welcoming the Awardees and Guests. Mr. S. Rajasekaran, National Vice President, NIQR introduced the Chief Guest Mr. B. Santhanam, President & MD, Flat Glass – South Asia, Malaysia & Egypt, Saint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd., to the audience. Dr. V Swaminathan, National Vice President, NIQR spoke about the various awards giving details about the Awards, selection criteria and this year’s Awardees.
Mr. Santhanam then honoured the Awardees with shawls and presented them with the Awards after the respective citations were read out. He then honoured the representatives of the new sponsors for three Awards this year.
In his Presidential Address, Mr. B. Santhanam spoke about NIQR’s incredible transformation in the last 31 years and praised NIQR taking up digitisation as the theme of the convention.
The Award Function came to an end with Mr. G. R. Janarthanan, Director General – NIQR proposing the Vote of Thanks.