Convention Chairman’s Message

K Manikandan
Dear NIQRians,
Happy Dashara and Advance Diwali Greetings to all of you!…
May the light of Diwali alleviate the darkness in everyone’s mind in our society…
I am very happy to speak to you all through this Convention Edition of our NIQR Newsletter…
The Convention we just held, tested our ability to think big, tested our ability to plan, tested our ability to execute, tested our ability to work as a team and lastly it tested our ability to Innovate and especially our ability to accept innovation and change…We as NIQRians, passed all these test with flying colors. The general perception about any consulting firm or an organization like ours is that we can only preach. We broke that perception in all aspects.
I strongly believe that unless we become the role model in managing an Institution, our words will not be trusted. We have proved more than enough that we can not only preach but execute without any flaw and achieve our social cause.
I thank every one of you for the trust all of you reposed on me and especially for the freedom to take decisions and execute. It was an experience by itself wherein I literally felt the support by all of you. Someone feeling the support by others in a Professional Environment is something very rare as far as my experience goes…
Though every NIQRian was reverberating with our convention and wanted to do their bit, I would like to mention one soul that Lived, Breathed and Existed only for the Convention for almost four months without bothering about anything else!… Including his health…That is our Mr. Gowri Sankar. He was my execution arm. Though dreaming Big is a task by itself, it does not come true without execution. I feel that I am very fortunate to have such a soul with tremendous Passion for Execution.
All of us together, we proved that we can shake the society that we live. Our ability to infuse quality message to much bigger population have improved multifold.
I feel our next step should be, we leverage on the strengths / abilities that we built in our esteemed institution. We shall become a JUSE of India very soon. We can do this and very Soon!…
We should see the NIQR flag flying very high in the Global Arena within next 5 years!…
All the very best and Thanks a lot…
K Manikandan