Extraordinary General Body Meeting
An Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the National Institution for Quality and Reliability (NIQR), Chennai Branch, was held at 7.30 P.M. on Wednesday, the 3rd April 2019 at Hotel Radha Regent, Chennai 600106. to transact the following business:
The following resolution was passed unanimously in the meeting.
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the AGM held on 25th September 2018 where in the General Body had authorised the National Executive Council to appoint Statutory Auditors of NIQR (HQ & Chennai Branch) for FY 2018-19; The Executive Council hereby unanimously decided to appoint M/s. K. GOPAL RAO & CO. Chartered Accountants (FRN:000956S) as Statutory Auditors of NIQR – Chennai Branch for the FY 2018-19”.
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT that Executive Council shall decide and finalise the terms and conditions of appointment, including the remuneration of the statutory auditor”.
The resolution was proposed by Mr. VSV. Chezhiyan and seconded by Mr. G. Rangarajan.