In-house Training Program at Danfoss Industries Pvt Ltd., Oragadam
NIQR Chennai Branch organised an in-house training program at Danfoss Industries Pvt Ltd., Oragadam on 8th & 9th November 2018. The program was attended by 41 of the Management staff on “Quality Awareness” training aim of “Zero Defects” mindset.
Dr. V. M. Gunasekaran, National Council Member, NIQR was the faculty. After understanding the requirements of the company, the faculty made a pre-training visit to the company to have a better understanding of the participants and their rewirements.
Mr. Ravi, their Unit President inaugurated the program; he insisted that the zero defect initiative extended to their vendors.
Dr, V. M. Gunasekaran started the training started with a Cognitive Mindset TEST- all the 41 participants took the Pre-Test. Training input included MIndset Carol’s theory, QC Formation and working, Zero Defect, Error-proofing, Industry 4.0, Lean – Value Stream and TPM.
Dr. VMG explained how to sustain the benefits of the training and wanted the participants to list out all live issues so that they can be addressed ASAP.
There were 38 burning issues of the company which had been identified by the Managers of which top 12 issues were assigned to 4 CFTs to resolve before end of this year.
Over 100 Poka Yoke Opportunities were identified and dates committed for implementation.
Nearly 500 waste elimination opportunities were suggested by the participants.
ZQA – Zero Defect Activities Steering committee was suggested to be formed to drive the movement company-wide. A Post-test was also conducted to make the participants’ takeaways from the two-day training.