Group photo with staff of M/s Albonair
Industrial Visit of School Student Chapter to M/S Albonair
NIQR Chennai Branch organised an Industrial Visit for the students of CSC Vivekananda Vidhyalaya at Kakkalur, Thiruvallur student chapter to M/S Albonair India Pvt. Ltd. on 16th November 2023.
No of participants: 31 students and 2 Staff
Visit time: The participants left the school at 8 a.m. and visited the factory from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Reached back to school by 5.00 pm, within the school hours.

Happy with the gift
M/s. Albonair had prepared an agenda for the visit starting from receiving the team by 9.30 am at their campus till team departure froam the factory at 2.30 pm.
After refreshments on arrival, there were Speeches by Mr. Thirukumaran, Head of Operations and Mr. Premnath, Head, Marketing, Sales and After Sales.
A Presentation on M/s. Albonair was given by Mr. Vasanth Kumar on company profile and their products.
The students were taken inside the factory in two teams guided by 3 engineers for each team.
The students were provided excellent lunch at their Canteen.
There was a feedback session at the end of the visit – Feed Back from all the 31 students were given to M/s. Albonair
Some of the feedback points;
Students were happy to witness so much activities – assembly, testing, inspection and packing – taking place in various departments.
Few students said they want to work in factory as engineers which was not in their mind before the visit.
Few Students talked about the 5S system, about the products being manufactured which are of environment protection as per BS VI norms.
The industrial visit made new thoughts in the youngsters’ mind and provoked ideas for their future.
M/s. Albonair India presented all the students with a suitable GIFT (School Bag).
Also, at the end of the visit Ms. Albonair team arranged for the Group Photo along with their total employees.
Mr. V. Kumar presented M/s. Albonair a memento on behalf of NIQR.
The team reached the school back in time.
NIQR Chennai Branch thanks M/s. Albonair India Pvt. Ltd for the good arrangements for the industrial visit of the students.
Mr. S. Raja and Mr. V. Kumar, Executive Committee Members NIQR Chennai Branch and Mr. Govindarajan, Office Manager co-ordinated the visit from NIQR.
Mr. Sundaralingham, Head of Quality and Mr. D. Madhan Kumar Dy. Manager Quality co-ordinated from M/s. Albonair.