INDUSTRY – 4.0 Awareness Program: No. 24
The 24th Program in the series was conducted in ATV Precision Components Pvt. Ltd. on 5th August 2017. There were 25 senior and middle management staff from ATV Precision Components Pvt. Ltd., Venu Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. & Ready Led Lighting Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vinoth, HR Head of ATV welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker, Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar. The session was very interactive as participants wanted to understand the forthcoming changes in the manufacturing industry due to use of Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and 3D Printing. The participants shared some of their knowledge in the topic and were eager to know the additional skills required to excel in their job.
Mr. M. Ramachandran, GM-Operations of ATV thanked NIQR for having taken up the mission 20K; he complimented the faculty for the selection of videos and apt explanations given for the 25 odd videos which helped them understand the subject better. He assured that all the participants were fully charged for doing improvements at their respective areas. The feedback from all the participants was excellent.