Lecture Meeting held on 31st Aug 2015 by Prof C. Uthayakumar The Evening Lecture for the month of August was organised on 31st Aug 2015 at NIQR Conference Hall, Nungambakkam. Prof C. Uthayakumar, Principal, Jaya Sakthi Engineering College, Chennai was the speaker and the topic was “Managing emotional quotient through Bach Flower essence”. Mr. S. Rajasekaran, NIQR Chennai Brach Chairman presided over the session and Mr. C V Gowri Sankar, NIQR Chennai Branch Secretary introduced the speaker.Prof C. Uthayakumar in his lecture explained the benefits of a system of 37 flower-based remedies and rock water designed to manage the emotional demands of everyday life. He began with an introduction to the beautiful world of flower essences, their natural healing powers and elaborately covered the system of choosing flower remedies to deal with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of a person as advocated by Dr. Edward Bach. He said “According to Dr. Bach any disease is the result of a conflict between soul, mind and body”. Then through a few case studies, he illustrated how these gentle flower remedies are safe to use and also very effective for specific ailments. The Question and Answer Session after the Presentation was useful in clarifying the questions about specific remedies, areas of focus, and the mental and emotional states to be kept in mind while prescribing these remedies. Overall the lecture was an eye opener to all the participants to hold the key to unlock emotional imbalances and promote a longer and healthier life..