Message from Chennai Branch Secretary

Chennai Branch Secretary
Dear NIQRians,
It is indeed a great pleasure to write to you all as an incoming secretary. 2018 was an eventful year for NIQR. Lot of benchmarks was set by our predecessors and it is going to be a challenging task for the new team to keep up that momentum. On behalf of the new team, I assure you all that NIQR will reach new heights with all your support.
As you all are aware that in past few years NIQR is engaging in lot of activities to enhance Indian industry’s competitive edge and also to increase its visibility to the society. We would like to start a Knowledge Academy with the view of bridging the skill gap between the industry expectations and the resource availability. The main focus will be on
Enhancing the skill levels of outgoing engineering students and make them more competitive and employable.
Enhancing the competitive edge of MSMEs by satisfying the training needs and hand holding in process front.
From NIQR, we are trying to have tie-up with external agencies to provide online facilities. If the tie-up is successful, students and MSMEs who are all enrolled with the academy can attend online training programs and view training material online and enrich their knowledge.
We can discuss lot more in the coming months. Requesting your whole hearted support and contribution.
Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year!!!