National Level Competition on Basic Problem Solving

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National Level Competition on Basic Problem Solving

As part of Quality Month Celebrations, National Institution for Quality and Reliability, Chennai Branch organised a National Level Competition on “Basic Problem Solving” on 19th November 2022 at SRM University, Vadapalani Campus.

The competition was for teams from MSMEs pan India to showcase their problem-solving skills. 19 teams from 17 organisations participated in the one-day program. The teams were divided into two categories, namely, Micro /Small and Medium /Large to ensure level playing field.

In the Inaugural Function, Ln. Dr. VSV Chezhiyan, Secretary, NIQR Chennai Branch welcomed the gathering and spoke about the various activities organised by Chennai Branch in Quality Month.

Mr. P. T. Bharani Perumal, Chairman, NIQR Chennai Branch in his presidential address called on the participants to ensure cross-learning by being attentive for all presentations. He expressed his happiness at the large registration of teams, including from Rajasthan.

Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Vice Principal (Examination), SRM IST Vadapalani Campus, addressed the participants highlighting the events conducted with NIQR and thanked Chennai Branch for choosing SRM as the venue for the competition.

The Chief Guest, Dr. C. V. Jayakumar, Dean (E&T), SRM IST Vadapalani Campus in his address elaborated on the Industry Institution Interaction and NIQR to arrange internship and factory visits for the students which will help bridge the gap.

Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, National Secretary, recalled the long association of NIQR and SRM and stressed on the importance of networking among the participants from other organisations in such team competitions

Dr. S. Karthikeyan proposed the vote of thanks for the Inaugural Function.

After tea break, the case study presentations started at 10.15 am in two halls and completed around 3.00 pm. The teams were divided into two groups with 8 teams from Micro /Small organisations in one group and 11 teams from Medium /Large organisations in the second.

Mr. N. Jagannadha Rao, ECM, NIQR Chennai Branch, Dr. Ver Chezhiyan, Secretary, NIQR Chennai Branch, Mr. V. Kumar, ECM, NIQR Chennai Branch and Dr. R Rajaraman, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM IST Vadapalani Campus were the juries.

In the Valedictory Function, Ln. Dr. VSV Chezhiyan, welcomed the gathering and gave details about the competition. He was proud that this is a Milestone in the history of NIQR, Chennai Branch.

Mr. P. T. Bharani Perumal congratulated all the participants and thanked all for their wonderful presentations; he added the Chennai Branch is planning to conduct more events in future.

Feedback about the program was shared by four team members. All the participants appreciated the way in which the whole program was organized and were happy to learn from other teams and felt that NIQR Chennai Branch has to conduct more events like this.

The juries expressed their happiness at the high level of preparation by all teams and commented that it was a wonderful event which gives exposure to all the industries about NIQR.

All the participants were presented with Participation Certificate by the dignitaries.

Awards and Certificates presented to all teams by the Chairman and other dignitaries.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Ganapathiyappan, Vice Chairman, Chennai Branch, NIQR.

Executive Committee Members Mr. K. Baranitharan and Mr. R. Muthuraman coordinated the entire event and Dr. Vijayaragavan supported well in hosting the event in SRM, Auditorium.

Click to view List of Participating Organisations                                                                                                    Click to view feedback from Participants