NIQR Chennai Branch AGM 2019
The 31st Annual General Body Meeting of NIQR, Chennai Branch was held at 6.45 PM on Saturday, the 21st September 2019 at Hotel Radha Regent, Chennai.
Mr. R. Sethuraman, Chairman, NIQR Chennai Branch welcomed the members.
In his address, he briefed the members about some initiatives. He detailed the steps taken for conduction of the National Convention. He added that Chennai Branch will conduct a series of free training programs in Ambathur Estate as a sort of supporting the industries during the present slowdown.
Mr. P.T. Bharani Perumal, Secretary presented the minutes of the 30th AGM held on 24th September 2018 and got it confirmed by the members. He then presented the annual report for 2018-2019. He then presented the financial statement of accounts for the period 01-04-2018 to 31-03-2019. After debate, they were passed by the members. He then proposed to appoint M/s. K. GOPAL RAO & CO. Chartered Accountants (FRN:000956S) as Statutory Auditors of NIQR-HQ for the FY 2018-19 and it was unanimously passed.
He then proposed the vote of thanks.