NIQR came into existence in July 1987 with the amalgamation of National Institution of Quality Assurance and Indian Association of Quality and Reliability.
National Institution for Quality and reliability is administrated by a National Executive Council functioning at the National Head Quarters at Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Executive Committee at various Branches.
Leading Industrialists, Top Level officers / Executives, Managers, Professionals and Academia elected through a democratic process with appropriate representation are the Members of the Executive Council and Branch Executive Committees.

About Us

A Raison D’être
Quality is the sine qua non for the survival and growth of any manufacturing of service organisation. Prevention oriented quality and reliability methods can significantly contribute to the prosperity of any industry.
Recent trends of ‘opening up’ of Indian economy to global competition and development of free enterprise within the country have further enhanced the need of quality as the key element for the survival and growth. While considerable efforts are being made in this direction, the fact remains that we still have a long way to go before we can catch up with advanced countries.
The need of the hour is a common forum, for quality on a country-wide basis. Through this forum, an acceleration in the pace of progress of the national quality and reliability movement could be achieved knowledge – could be easily shared, experiences exchanged and a broader national perspective evolved.
It was precisely in recognition of this need that National Institution for Quality and Reliability was formed.
International Role Models

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