A vew of the participants
QAP Dr.V.S taking a session.jpg
QAP At NIQR Conf Hall On 24th & 25th November 2017
Two day Training Program on Quality Awareness on 24th &25th November 2017
NIQR Chennai Branch organised a two day training program on Quality Awareness for shop floor operatives on 24th &25th November 2017 at NIQR Conference Hall. There were 33 participants from 11 organisations.
Mr. R. Gopinath of NIQR Office was the coordinator.
The faculty comprised of Dr. V. Swaminathan, National Vice President NIQR, Mr. S. Murugan. ECM NIQR Chennai Branch & Mr. P. Kothandaraman, ECM NIQR Chennai Branch. There was full attendance on the both the days.
The participants were very enthusiastic and eager to involve & learn the nuances of the 5S, TPM and Total Quality Management, and evoked keen interest in problem solving techniques and appreciated the QC case study presentation from M/s Lear Automotives Ltd.
Dr. V. Swaminathan presided over the valedictory function and presented the certificates to the participants. The feedback from the participants was very encouraging.