Quality Day Celebration by NIQR Trivandrum Branch
Quality Day Celebration by NIQR Trivandrum Branch was held on 15th Nov 2022 at Hotel Prasanth, PMG Junction, Trivandrum. Shri Venugopal. S, Head QA & Joint GM HLL Lifecare Ltd. Trivandrum has delivered the lecture on the topic “ Quality Conscience – Doing the right thing in Industry 5.0 ”. The Quality Day Celebration was Presided over by Chairman of the Branch Shri. C. Athi Pagavan. Senior Vice Chairman Shri. K R Mohan Ananthanarayanan has delivered the welcome address and Vice Chairman Shri. P K Abraham introduced the Speaker.
The main goal of World Quality Month is “to raise awareness of quality, continuous improvement, and performance excellence by field and quality professionals worldwide.” World Quality Month is also about understanding the impact quality has on the world, during business hours, in the community, and at home. Started by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) in 1984, October became National Quality Month with a joint resolution by Congress and a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan.
This year’s theme will give quality professionals an opportunity to reflect on how corporate culture can be key to helping organizations make the right ethical decisions on behalf of all stakeholders. On the announcement of the new theme, commented: ‘Doing the right thing’ gets to the heart of quality management in any organisation, and the heart of what the quality profession is there to help with. The difference between conscious and conscience is subtle. Though these two words sound similar, conscience refers to the awareness that one’s actions are right or wrong, while conscious means “awake” or “alert”. “Consciousness refers to awareness; conscience refers to morality.
The quality 5.0 approach provides an outstanding opportunity for the manufacturing and business strategy to enhanced quality. This quality revolution provides several producers and technical goals for better quality and efficiency of products and the entire system. A successful Quality 5.0 approach allows companies to resolve long-term barriers. Quality 5.0 was used by those who have solved some obstacles with enhanced data integrity and fresh and high-truth data-driven perspectives. The aim to develop a Quality 5.0 approach serves as a technology benchmark guide that acknowledges both the basic values of technology and the application of technology to quality.
Quality in Services and business models
Profitability of business in terms of Quality
Reliability and continuous increase of efficient productivity and reduction in waste
Quality in IT security
Quality of Machine and Human safety
Product lifecycle increase
Industry value chain environmental impact decrease
Workers’ education, skills and involvement increase
Socio-economic factors improvement
Quality paradigms in Industry 5.0 for smart Quality includes Quality 5.0, Quality Management, 8 D principles ,Six Sigma. Process Audit. Cost of Quality ,TQM, Zero defects
Future of Quality 5.0: Investment in technologies will include upgrading current equipment, sensor deployment, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and company-level systems for solution growth. In the future, Quality 5.0 will greatly expand the internal and external IoT data and then turn them into valuable information. A cultural shift will be required for Quality 5.0 initiatives to be successful, demanding additional investments in people and change management. It will be essential that employees throughout the organisation, including the Quality team, participate in change and train them in the new paradigm of Quality 5.0. The new business philosophy and culture vision must be demonstrated and executed on a single basis by corporate leadership. The participation of quality 5.0 will provides more advantages in the future. This revolution will embrace the future of quality to achieve perfection. It will enhance quality standards to support their organisations by using quality standards and allowing the critical correlation between quality excellence and their capacity to succeed in disruption.
To conclude ,in a world where businesses are often driven by the bottom line, it can be difficult to find companies that care about more than just profit. However, there are still businesses out there that maintain a quality conscience, doing the right thing even when it’s not the most profitable choice. These companies believe that people come before profits, which ultimately benefits everyone involved. A company with a quality conscience understands that its reputation is everything.