Quality For Industry 4.0 - No: 2

Quality For Industry 4.0 – No.2
The second program on Quality For Industry 4.0 was conducted on 21st December 2016 in the premises of M/S Schwing Stetter India Pvt. Ltd. in Irungattukottai. It was jointly organised by SIMA & NIQR and was coordinated by Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar, Secretary, NIQR Chennai Branch.
The MSMEs in the Irungattukottai Industrial belt deserve a round of applause for weathering the power-cut havoc created by Vardha cyclone and mustering 53 participants.
Mr. Ananda Kumar, GM Quality, Schwing Stetter welcomed the participants; the Special Guest, Mr. Thyagarajan, MD, Mudra Fine Blanks, stressed that Quality is not just a man/machine interface but should be a way of life; He advised the participants to spread the awareness of Industry 4.0 to all college students to make India stronger.

The Chief Guest, Mr. S. Rajasekaran, National Vice President – NIQR & President SIMA advised the young Indian minds not to be chasers of global technological developments as in the past but be the forerunners of Industry 4.0.
The four modules namely, Industry 4.0 – Need of the Hour, Industry 4.0 – What is in it? Quality Assurance – in Industry 4.0 and Industry 4.0 – Way Forward were handled by Mr. P. T. Bharani Perumal, Mr. G. Pandurengan, Dr. V. M. Gunasekaran and Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar respectively. Mr. S. Rajasekaran showcased some of the developments in his organisation to make the participants feel at home about embracing the next Industrial Revolution.
In the Valedictory Function, Mr. Anand Sundaresan, Vice Chairman & MD, Schwing Stetter cautioned the participants about bothering about quality only in manufacturing but asked them to concentrate it from the design stage itself. He also distributed the Participation Certificates.
Mr. Ananda Kumar proposed the vote of thanks.