Quality Revolution in Practice
Dr. P. Sasikumar, Executive Committee Member, NIQR Trivandrum Branch and Scientist/Engineer, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Trivandrumhas written many books on different subjects; his latest book was released recently, titled ‘Quality Revolution in Practice’ – The Journey of Quality from Past to Present. It is written in simple language with lots of interesting cartoons/pics to add flavour.
On 16th November 2023, he was felicitated by the Honorable Chief Minister of Puducherry on receiving the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Award for his books on Science in Tamil for students
A brief about the book
Want to know the story behind the word ‘Quality’ and its origin? Did you know that the missile designed by Hitler to win World War II was of poor quality? A century ago, Japan was known as a country that produced inferior products, but today, quality is synonymous with products made in Japan. Discover how principles used in quality improvement in an organization can help us succeed in our daily lives. This book explains the history of quality, different tools of quality, and how these can contribute to the betterment of life with simple examples. The author of this book, Dr. P. Sasikumar, has written more than 25 books and has two decades of experience in quality assurance for launch vehicle components.
Pages: 88
Price : 120/-
To buy: https://www.writersasi.com/product/quality-revolution-in-practice/
About the Author: Profile of Dr Sasikumar (view)

‘Dr Swaminathan released the book “Quality Revolution in Practice“ written by Dr Sasikumar of ISRO, Trivandrum and NIQR member,
on 29th November at the AGM of Trivandrum Branch’