Rejuvenating NIQR Pondicherry Branch
Under direction and guidance from Mr. P. K. Aggarwal, National President NIQR, a process has been set in motion to rejuvenate NIQR Branches which are not very active recently. Dr. V. Swaminathan, National Vice President and Mr. C. V. Gowri Sankar Secretary, Chennai Branch were given the task of making the Pondicherry Branch active again.
After identifying 21 professionals from various Industries and Institutions for revamping the Executive Committee, a meeting was organised on 29th November 2017 at Hotel Surguru, Pondicherry. The meeting was attended by 12 professionals. Mr. V. Venkatakrishnan, Plant Head, Lucas TVS, Pondy was unanimously selected as Chairman and he has agreed to form the committee shortly and come with a timeline for the formal relaunch of the branch.
Let us wish Mr. V. Venkatakrishnan and his team all success.