Relaunch Of Puducherry Branch
The Puducherry Branch of NIQR was relaunched in a glittering function at Hotel Jayaram, Puducherry on 3rd March 2018. Shri. O. M. H. F. Shahjahan, Honourable Minister for Revenue, Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Puducherry was the Chief Guest for the function.
Mr. V. Venkatakrishnan, Plant Head, LUCAS TVS, Puducherry and Chairman-elect of the Branch welcomed the Chief Guest, senior members of NIQR HQ, members of Puducherry NIQR and special guests.
Mr. K. SridharanBalaji, National Secretary – NIQR briefed about NIQR and its activities and the role of Branches.
Mr. K. N. Krishnanamurthy, Past National President – NIQR delivered a Special Address.
Dr. V. Swaminathan, National Vice President – NIQR delivered the Presidential address.
Hon’ble Shri. Shahjahan in his address explained about Quality and Reliability, their importance and role in today’s business to sustain in the global market. His way of deliverance was very much appreciated by one and all present and especially his deliverance in TAMIL.
He handed over the symbolic Key to the newly elected Chairman Mr. V. Venkatakrishnan
Mr. G. Rangarajan, Past National Secretary – NIQR was the Master of Ceremonies.
Mr. K. P. Vivekanandan, Secretary of the branch delivered the vote of thanks.