Rival of NIQR-Puducherry Branch – Planning meeting on 26-01-2024
Following the deliberations of Headquarters EC meeting held on 6TH January 2024, Dr. V M Gunasekaran, Mentor for NIQR Puducherry Branch and Dr. V. Swaminathan, National Sr. Vice President NIQR organised a meeting of Industrialists in Puducherry at Hotel Surguru, Mission Street, Puducherry on Friday the 26th January 2024.
Mr. Ganesan, Mr. Vivekanandan and Mr. Nadaraja, the existing office bearers of Puducherry Branch played their part in getting 20+ Company executives (including Owners/Partners / CEOs / Sr. Managers) for the meeting.
Dr. V M Gunasekaran initiated the discussions outlining the purpose the meeting; a single point agenda of reviving the Puducherry Branch.
Dr. V. Swaminathan describing the dormant state of the Branch (due to various reasons), brought to light the need for the revival of the branch to serve the Industrial Community in and around Puducherry. He called for, as the first step, enrolment of all present on that day as life members and formation of the Executive Committee and election of Office Bearers.

Mr. Ganesan emphasized the need for building the Membership Base for a healthy state of the Branch.
Taking clue from the NIQR Chennai, Dr. V M Gunasekaran said, it is imperative to conduct one Shop Operative Program continuously every month to retain the momentum and sustenance of the Branch.
As a first step, Mr. Nadaraja was elected Secretary in consultation with Mr. Ganesan and Mr. Vivekanandan. In a short time, the members present came forward to nominate 20+ executives for the first Shop Operative Program on 2nd and 3rd of February 2024.
It was decided to have the First EC meeting of the Branch also on the evening of2nd February and elect the Office Bearers.