Six Sigma Black Belt Workshop Phase III Sesa Sterlite
Six Sigma Black Belt Workshop in Sesa Sterlite Copper, Tuticorin
Last 2 issues, we have covered the Phase I & II of Six Sigma Black Belt workshop organized by NIQR, Head quarters in M/S Sesa Sterlite, Tuticorin.
III Phase of training: The 3rd phase of training (17th & 18th April 2015) started with Project Presentation by 5 teams. Each team was asked to take enough time to go deep in to their projects and explain the approach methodology they have adopted, and their conclusions. Accordingly each team took almost 1 hour to present their case studies.
The teams took current process bottleneck/critical problems like
- Stripping Time reduction
- Raw water consumption reduction at PAP
- Arsenic removal in purification
- Furnace oil consumption reduction
- PAP evaporator capacity increase