Session 3

Session 3 – Path to Business Excellence

The third session of the Convention started with Dr. Rajkumar, President of Rane Engine Valves Limited Chennai chairing the session on the topic “Path to Business Excellence”: he simplified the path as working on people, process and technology to achieve Business Excellencealso stressing the importance of accessing data and analyzing.

Ms. C. Saroj Nayagam, Head of Quality, Addison & Co Ltd: gave a brief roadmap to Business Excellence in her organisation and elaborated on excellence in quality, innovation, digitization and automation.

Dr. S. Arumugam, Orthopedic Surgeon, Chennai; very brazenly he advised people working on desktops to start wearing sports and star running to have a good health especially on knee.

Mr. Anindya Sarangi, Country Head ASQ India & South Asia; he propagated about the importance of people excellence especially for Quality Engineers and Quality Professionals in the Path to Business Excellence.

Mr. Gopi Koteeswaran, Founder of Dzruptiv Al and Co-founder of Cardiac Wellness Institute; he visualized that technology is going to leapfrog centering on digitisation in the near future especially in healthcare.

Mr. K. P. Vivekananthan, Secretary, NIQR Pondicherry Branchcoordinated the session.

Dr. Rajkumar
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Ms. C. Saroj Nayagam 
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Dr. S. Arumugam 
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Mr. Anindya Sarangi 
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Mr. Gopi Koteeswaran
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