Session 6

Session 6 – Surmounting the Barriers

The sixth session of the Convention started with Dr. N. Ravichandran, Chief Mentor for UCAL Fuel Systems Ltd, chairperson for the session on the topic “Surmounting the Barriers”; he advocated companies to shift from zero defect concept to zero discomfort; ha also propagated a Quality Ladder of 7Qs – CHANCE, INSPECTION, ASSURANCE, PREVENTION, PEFECTION, INNOVATION & CREATION.

Ms. Gowri Kailasam, President of Rane (Madras) Ltd – Steering & Linkage Division; narrated the difficult times Rane encountered in overciming quality barriers.

Mr. S. Natarajan, Head- QAC Data Patterns India Ltd, Chennai; gave a brief about the quality system, customer requirements, comprehensive testing, metrology challenges, inward quality & NDT in aerospace.


Mr. Magesh Rajamani, Senior Solution Architect with IBM Technology Expert Labs; tremendous technological improvements in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Mr. Shanmugasundaram, National Vice President, NIQR coordinated the session.


Dr. N. Ravichandran
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Ms. Gowri Kailasam
Click to view profile

Mr. S. Natarajan
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Mr. Magesh Rajamani
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Session 6